Choose from our
  • Standard rebinding package, with many options to fit your individual needs
  • Deluxe Leather binding package, with an all-leather cover inside and out, embellish-ments, and faster service included;
  • Snap Case binding; or
  • Large Family Bible binding.

To learn more about our rebinding packages, please click on the links below.
Bible before...
...and after
1.800.941.3735        724.287.2120
1124 Oneida Valley Road, Chicora, PA 16025-3820
© 2013 Mechling Bookbindery
For your convenience when shipping a Bible to us for rebinding, we have designed an order form for each of the binding packages, which you can fill out, print and send with your book. All available options are listed on the form including choices of materials, colors, method of payment and space for additional instructions, questions or comments. To get the form, click on "Order Form" for the specific package you have chosen.
Save your favorite Bible or have a new Bible custom-rebound your way.
Each book is handcrafted using your choice of materials and colors.
Rush service cannot be guaranteed due to work load demands; however, we make every effort to complete the work by or as close to the expected date as possible.
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